Pobladura de las Regueras - Toreno

Toreno-pobladuraHigh resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switchToreno-pobladura

TorenoHigh resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switchToreno Leaving Toreno on the Bembibre road, the route follows the bank of the Sil River until just before the bridge over the Velasco River, where there is a mining track that deviates to the left. This path ascends through a canyon where you turn left to continue climbing the Riovelasco Valley through a leafy oak forest. This section finally ends in Villar de las Traviesas. There you have to take the Las Vecillas path, a track that leads to Noceda.

The route continues crossing the course of the Noceda River to ascend the Rozas road, which is the beginning of a long track journey that leads to Quintana de Fuseros. The section ends with a quick descent along the Camino de los Perales, which ends in Quintana de Fuseros. From there we continue along the Boeza road until we find a detour to the left that takes us along the Valdurbán road to the valley of the Boeza river, just one kilometer downstream from Igüeña.

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat