Discover the Acebal de Garagüeta in the north of Soria, a magical corner with exceptional natural beauty. During autumn, the holly turns red and gold, transforming into a fairy tale. In addition to its...
There is a place where the lands of Soria are structured to create a truly unique landscape, the Lobos River canyon, whose end must be sought in the province of Burgos. From the Galiana viewpoint, observe...
Visit La Fuentona Natural Monument, where the Abión River rises from a lagoon of crystal clear waters. Discover one of the most beautiful places in the province of Soria, where nature is shown in all its...
Discover the Laguna Negra Natural Park and Circos Glaciares de Urbión, a natural corner with the impressive Laguna Negra, located at 1,800 meters high and surrounded by infinite pine forests. Dive into...
Explore the Sabinar de Calatañazor, one of the best preserved in the world. In a calcareous terrain at 1,000 meters of altitude, centuries-old junipers reach more than 14 meters in height and two thousand...