In 1887 Soria had just one brotherhood, El Santo Entierro, which over the years led to the founding of various new brotherhoods. Today several of these associations exist, with each one carrying their images from the church where they are canonically constituted in procession around the town to the Co-Cathedral of San Pedro Apóstol, where they are then left for a short time.

On Good Friday all the images are removed from the temple, accompanied by their respective brotherhoods in a single procession. Each brotherhood is consecrated to a different passage from the Passion of Christ, and may carry one or more images, although they must correspond to the meaning of each passage. In other words, each brotherhood holds exclusive responsibility for a specific passage from the Bible.

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    Tourist information

    • Soria town hall

      • Postal address municipality of Soria . Soria
      • Web
      • Phones
        975 234 100
      • Fax
        975 234 100
      To know more
    • Soria tourism office

      • Postal address Plaza Mariano Granados, 1. Soria. 42001. Soria
      • Email
      • Phones
        • 975 222 764
        • 975 229 718
      To know more
    • Soria tourism office

      • Postal address C/ Nuestra Señora del Puente, s/n. Soria. 42004. Soria
      • Email
      • Phones
        975 211 492
      To know more
    • Soria tourism office

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