Province of Valladolid
Route Data
Ascent slope
690 m.

The origin of the city of Valladolid dates back to the first half of the 11th century and the reinhabitation of the shores of the Duero. Valladolid is situated on a hill between the northern branch of the river Esgueva and the river Pisuerga. It is now a modern city has all the services.

Today, Valladolid is a modern, pioneering city in the region, and also possesses great architectural and artistic wealth. Valladolid is also the culminating point for the Ramal del Sur of the Canal de Castilla route which ends in a scenic channel just before it flows into the river Pisuerga.

The greatest era began with the Modern Age which transformed the city into the kingdom's administrative hub. It was not in vain that Carlos I declared it the capital of Spain.

What to see?

  • Cathedral of ValladolidMore information

    Purist and sombre, it has Romanesque style influences at show in all its architecture and decoration. It doesn't house any exceptional pieces although in its time it has been the keeper of a Greco painting....

  • Chapel of San Juan Bautista of the church of El SalvadorMore information

    It is the oldest chapel of the Church of El Salvador, and was founded and by the layer Mr. Gonzalo González de Illescas, judge of the Royal Chancery of Valladolid and his wife Doña Marina de Estrada. It...

  • Church and Convent Descalzas RealesMore information

    The church was built in the early 17th century, when the cour of Felipe II was headquartered here and the works finished in 1615.The church has a single nave, and that is why the façade forms a vertical...

  • Church of the AngustiasMore information

    Construction of the present church started in 1597 and ended in 1604. The plans were drawn by the architect Juan de Nates. Building was carried out with the assistance of Martín de Uriarte.The main altarpiece...

  • Church of the PasionMore information

    The church of la Pasion is the headquarters of the Penitential Brotherhood of the Holy Passion of Christ since the XVI century, and houses the Museum of Painting of the city of Valladolid working as municipal...

  • Church of the Vera CruzMore information

    The façade was built by Diego de Praves in 1595. The front is quite high, so as to allow access to the Easter floats. In 1667 the church was expanded, since it was not big enough for float traffic. The...

  • Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion (Porta Coeli)More information

    Founded in the 16th century by Doña Mariana Cortés. Don Rodrigo Calderón, the Marquis of Sieteiglesias, had it rebuilt in 1598.The church contains one of the few existing marble altarpieces , designed...

  • Church of Our Lady of the PilarMore information

    The Church of Our Lady of Pilar of Valladolid is located in the new working-class neighborhood of La Pilarica that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century on the outskirts of the city of Valladolid,...

  • Church of San AgustinMore information

    The church was founded in 1407. The architect, Diego de Praves, established the building conditions in 1619. Hernando del Hoyo and Rodrigo de la Cantera were responsible for the actual erection of the...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat