Route 7 Camino de Santiago - Carrión de los Condes
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What to see?
Church of Santa Maria de la Victoria o del CaminoMore information
Built in the early 12th century, one of the oldest in Carrión, with a façade and three large naves.Façade with four archivolts, several figures, four capitals topped off by four columns. The façade contains...
Church of SantiagoMore information
Romanesque facade with a Greek-Roman influence. The frieze of the Cristo de Majestad is surrounded by the Tetramorphous, guarded by the figures of the twelve apostles.There was a fire during the War of...
Monastery of San ZoiloMore information
Cluniac monastery from the 11th-12th centuries. The monastery of San Zoilo was very appreciated by the ancient pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago, mostly due to its hospital, and it keeps the sepulchres...