Cluniac monastery from the 11th-12th centuries. The monastery of San Zoilo was very appreciated by the ancient pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago, mostly due to its hospital, and it keeps the sepulchres of the Infantes de Carrión.

It was founded in the 10th century under the name of San Juan Bautista, renovated during the 11th century.Its name changed to San Zoilo. Originally it was ascribed to the Benedictine order but over the centuries it has belonged to Clunians and Jesuits, and not many years ago it was a Minor Seminary.

Well worth a visit is the Plateresque cloister, a work by Juan de Badajoz, Pedro Torres, Juan de Bobadilla, Juan de Celaya, Miguel Espinosa...

When to visit it?

Opening hours

  • General 2.5 €
  • Reduced 2 €
(Children under 9 free. )

Observations: Saturdays can change these times by celebrations in the Church of the Monastery, so it is convenient to call to verify hours. July and August open on Mondays with the same visiting hours. Winter closed until spring.

This portal is not responsible for possible changes in the schedules and rates reflected

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    • Carrión de los Condes town hall

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    • Carrión de los Condes tourism office

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    • Carrión de los Condes tourism office

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    • Palencia tourism office

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