Province of Valladolid
Route Data
Ascent slope
691 m.

This strategic location on the banks of the Duero was the site of the Roman city of Septimanca, the origins of the name by which it is known. One of the principal constructions in this town is the medieval stone bridge with seventeen arches.

What to see?

  • Parish Church of El SalvadorMore information

    16th-century church. It has a Romanesque tower integrated in its walls. La cabecera es hemiexagonal, con arco de triunfo apuntado y bóveda de crucería estrellada.The main altarpiece was built by Inocencio...

  • Megalithic tomb of "Los Zumacales"More information

    Megalithic tomb shaped as a corridor, with a funeral chamber of more than five meters in diameter that houses the remains of at least 25 people, buried together with their respe4ctive dowry.It shows a...

  • Castle of Simancas (General Archive of Simancas)More information

    The primitive fortress of Simancas was built between 1467-1480 by the Enríquez family, admirals of Castile, who ended up ceding it to the Catholic Monarchs in 1490. Since then it was used as a deposit...

  • SimancasMore information

    On the banks of the Pisuerga River stands the town of Simancas, in whose majestic castle a good part of the history of Spain is kept and which is considered one of the most important archives in the world.

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat
Gastronomy and Wine Tourism