1 llave
Rooms and seats
- Total seats
- 47
- Accommodation units
- 9
- 3 Flats for 3 people
- 1 Flats for 4 people
- 3 Flats for 6 people
- 2 Flats for 8 people
- Extra beds
- 7
- Handicapped-accessible
- Credit cards accepted
- Room air conditioning
- Lift
- Nearby bus or public transport
- Bar-Café in the accommodation
- Individual safe
- Internet/Wifi connection
- Historic building
- Garage - Parking
- Garden - Terrace
- Fire-fighting measures
- On-site restaurant
- Hair-dryer in rooms
- Central location
- Quaint spot
- SMART TV in room
- Shops
- Area of tourist interest
Address and map location
- Postal address Calle SAN GIL 6-8. Burgos. 09003. Burgos
- Phones
- 686 623 786
- 686 623 786