"The Onofre guitón" (THE VAUDEVILLE)
- Dates
- March 22, 2025
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- Soon
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Somewhere in early 17th century Spain, a troupe of local comedians, made up of a male comedian and a female player of instruments and various junk, are preparing to perform the comedy never seen on stage of the eventful adventures of Onofre Caballero, considered a guitón ; which is the same as saying rogue, scoundrel or hustler. His life remains written in a book that they will dust off and open at the beginning of the performance, since he is a character lost among other famous people belonging to the same roguish and itinerant life, plagued by accidents and marked by hunger and the vicissitudes of the supposedly golden century. Thus, the comedian, while he is putting together before the eyes of the spectators the stage set that appears to be the places through which Onofre passed, will be unraveling and acting out the various episodes that marked the existence of the guitón, from when he was orphaned as a child and exposed to the poor care of a nobleman until his unexpected entry into a religious order and his literal ascension to the altars. Between both extremes, the company, a ñaque , goes through, reliving with intensity, effort, much humor and emotion, each one of the main events that happened to Onofre: the masters who mistreated him and starved him to death, the characters along the way who swindled him, the failure of his ventures to advance socially or of his plans for revenge, the violence, the humiliations, the final solitude and the apparent triumphs. The few happy days and the many dark ones. Trances that will lead him, in short, to a career of resentment and continuous deceit. And the impossibility of erasing an original stigma that a fall into a fire as a child left on his face, and which will turn out to be the signature of an unfortunate destiny. Once the performance is over, the company dismantles the stage machinery and invites the audience to reflect on what and who the comedy reflects. And in whom the Onofre guitón is looking.
Genre: Theatre. Style: Comedy. Duration: 90 min.
Show included in the programming of the Network of Theatres of Castilla y León.
Address and map location
- Postal address Centro Cívico Villa de Roa (Roa de Duero) - C/ El Tinte, 27. municipality of Roa . NaN. Burgos