December 12, 2024
To know more

Macho Screams is a musical comedy that starts from the myth of Don Juan to investigate the relationship between our present and the cycle that inaugurated the year 1492. A personal approach to the "Reconquista", the "discovery of America" ​​or the expulsion of the Jews and Moors, to think with humor about how "lo Macho" is built in this territory.

It is born from the desire to peer into the invisible (or invisibilized) history of Spain, with the small hope of understanding things that are useful for life today, when the will to dominate and the predatory desire on which we have built our societies threaten to liquidate us.

Genre: Theater. Style: Dramatic. Duration: 90 min.

Show included in the programming of the Theater Network of Castile and León.

Address and map location

  • Postal address Teatro Principal - Burgos, 3. municipality of Palencia . NaN. Palencia