May 9, 2025
To know more

DESPLANTE over what is imposed on you, DESPLANTE to verify your existence, DESPLANTE to impose your will, DESPLANTE. With just one word, this show shows the character and personality of flamenco. Used as a vocabulary to express different ideas, our DESPLANTE shows the most passionate and firm side of the flamenco language. Through the interpretation of different flamenco styles, the spectator will enter into an exchange of emotions during our show. Flamenco show with live music, singing and dancing.

Genre: Dance . Style: Flamenco . Duration: 90 min .

Show included in the programming of the Scenic Circuits of Castilla y León.

Address and map location

  • Postal address Salón Cultural El Cabildo (Cebreros) - Plaza España, s/n. municipality of Cebreros . Ávila