2 October to 30 October, 2024
To know more

Archives and Research is a project of the Provincial Historical Archive of Avila that aims to publicize recent research work based on archival documentary sources.

Archives are testimony to the activity carried out by a physical or legal person, public or private, with the particular characteristics of originality, organicity and serial character; this makes archival documents primary sources for history and our memory, as well as a guarantee of rights.

Documents are generated with an administrative function or purpose, in the exercise of their powers, not for historical research, but the concept of public function and the consideration of the document as cultural heritage allows these documents to be analyzed from different perspectives and to be the subject of different themes. Therefore, they are the object of scientific research, essential as a source of research, in addition to their dimension as support for the administrative management of the institution.

Taking these considerations into account, with this project we want to give a voice to researchers who use archival documents and to discover stories and Histories of all kinds, hidden in the kilometres of documents that the archives keep and that are Cultural Heritage. In short, to make visible this Heritage, which is largely unknown, such as the archives themselves and the work that we archivists and archivists carry out.

A first edition of these conferences that aims to consolidate over time.

This project is also a tribute to the professor and researcher José Luis Gutiérrez Robledo . It is a tribute and a thank you to his family, especially to Lucrecia Jiménez, who has deposited in this archive her voluminous and magnificent library, some 3,700 titles of monographs and serial publications, with more than 5,000 volumes, still in the process of being organized. A library specialized in art and history, with a significant part dedicated to Avila, as well as other materials, documents, slides, photographs and others, pending organization, which we will report on as we work on their identification and description.

The Provincial Historical Archive:

The Provincial Historical Archive of Avila is the institution responsible for the custody and conservation of the Documentary Heritage of this province since 1931. In this sense, in addition to collecting the documentation generated by the different administrations, it promotes the collection of private funds of different nature, photographic, literary, from companies, artists or creators that increase the knowledge and collective memory of the people of Ávila.

In addition to the description and identification of the Documentary Heritage it safeguards in order to provide documentation to citizens, researchers and administrations, it is necessary to make this Heritage known. In this context, activities are carried out to disseminate and exhibit the documentary collections, as well as guided tours and educational visits.

The archive is also a cultural institution, open to citizens and to all those creators who want to make their work or research known.

In addition, the sessions are held within the framework of the 25th anniversary at the Concepción Arenal headquarters .

The new archive building was inaugurated on 7 June 1999. It was part of the rehabilitation of what had been the Provincial Prison since 1852, following the disentailment processes, and previously the Carmen Calzado convent (1361) on the remains of the church of San Silvestre.

The project, by architects Mariam Álvarez-Builla Gómez and Joaquín Ibáñez Montoya, maintains elements of the convent with the incorporation of new parts, thus adapting the conserved and new constructions to the specific standards and recommendations for building archives, achieving maximum functionality for the new use. A modern archive, equipped with new services and with enough space to bring together in a single space the documents distributed in different departments of the city.


Wednesday, October 2

18:30h. Presentation of the conference. Carmen López Sanchidrian, director of the Provincial Historical Archive.

19:00 h. Conference

María Teresa Calvo Jiménez , a graduate in Geography and History, retired teacher, with a long research career, author of other works, such as "Historia de las calles de Avila" with her colleague Jesús Delgado. On this occasion she presents the results of an investigation, motivated by a family matter, "Tahona de la Espina".

Friday, October 4th

19:00h. Conference

Miguel Ángel Bringas Gutiérrez, PhD in Contemporary History and Professor of History and Economic Institutions at the Department of Economics at the University of Cantabria, with extensive teaching and research work and numerous publications in the field of economic and cadastral history. He presents a work carried out within the framework of the R&D&I Research project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation: Advancing knowledge of the Ensenada Cadastre and other cadastral sources, with the theme "Exploring the provincial historical archive of Avila: the cadastre of Martín de Garay, 1818-1820.

Tuesday, October 8th

19:00h. Conference

Narciso Llorente Muñoz , a graduate in Romance Philology from the University of Salamanca , is a high school teacher and a teacher at the National University of Distance Education (UNED). He tells us about his research "Tomás Luis de Victoria. The family's connection with the town of Sanchidrian".

Wednesday, October 30th.

19:00h. Conference

Carlos Emilio del Peso Taranco , professor at the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of the University of Valladolid, with an extensive research career and numerous publications in the field of traditional clothing, with special dedication to that of Ávila. In collaboration with Gustavo Muñoz, Javier Blázquez and Pedro Granado "Opening chests, consulting archives. The traditional clothing of Avila in notarial protocols".

Address and map location

  • Postal address Archivo Histórico Provincial de Ávila - Pza. Concepción Arenal, s/n. municipality of Ávila . NaN. Ávila