March 21, 2025
To know more

Ad Libitum is a Latin expression meaning "at pleasure, at will" and is used in legal language, Catholic liturgy, politics, and also in music, to refer to decisions that are made "a piacere."

By using Ad Libitum as a musical indication in a score, composers imply the freedom that the performer and conductor have in interpreting a given passage.

But if we apply the expression to a complete show, the result is "Ad Libitum", the new creation of Lapso Producciones. A theatrical work that offers a concert that breaks with the conventional and reinterprets great works of classical music with unconventional instruments such as the Tuboidal Triptych, the Tenor Saw, the Vidriolín and Vidrioncello Copodivarius, the Destilarmonium Percutente, or the percussions of Olivetti, among others, under the prism of white humor, and with total creative freedom. 2024 Lorca Award from the Academy of the AAEE of Andalusia for the Best Show for Children / Family Candidate Best Show for Children / Family Audiences XXVII Max Awards Candidate Best Production Work XXVII Max Awards Show recommended by La Red

Genre: Circus. Style: Clown. Duration: 60 min.

Show included in the programming of the Network of Theatres of Castilla y León.

Address and map location

  • Postal address "Casa de la música y el teatro" - Calle Dulzaina 2. Arroyo de la Encomienda. NaN. Valladolid