October 22, 2024
To know more

Along the path of Mariana Ruiz Johnson

Walking along the path, carrying peanuts and olives, came the mother elephant and her baby elephant, but they were not alone. Behind them came other animals, such as the mouse finch, bugs, bugs and bears. They all marched to the rhythm of the music.

The journey becomes joyful and fun and the destination surprising and festive. Nothing can go wrong.

Age : from 4 years old
Day: October 22
Duration : 60 min.
Participants : 12 boys and girls
Location : Children's room
Registration: from 24 September (10:00 a.m.). Children who have been sanctioned will not be able to register for activities.

Address and map location

  • Postal address Biblioteca de Castilla y León - Plaza de la Trinidad, 2. municipality of Valladolid . NaN. Valladolid