February 22, 2025
To know more

On the occasion of the celebration of the San Pedro de la Fuente neighborhood festivities, the "Miguel de Cervantes" Library offers, thanks to the collaboration of ARANSBUR, a family storytelling session (from 3 years old), translated into sign language.

Our little heroine lives in the BIG APPLE TREE. There, in the warmth of the sun, the best cider apples grow. They are plump, red and shiny, very different from our little apple, which is small, skinny and brownish in colour. This makes her sad, because she wants to be like the others. But she will soon understand that her difference makes her very special.

This story teaches us that we should never judge by appearances, nor assume that being different is a bad thing. We should be kind and put ourselves in other people's shoes, showing the other person that their difference can be a virtue.

An invitation is required to attend this storytelling session. Invitations will be distributed at the Miguel de Cervantes Library starting on Thursday, February 20 (half from 9:00 a.m. and the other half from 4:00 p.m.), until the capacity of 70 participants is reached. Maximum 4 invitations per person.

Event website :

Advance registration is required to attend the event.

Address and map location

  • Postal address Biblioteca Pública Municipal "Miguel de Cervantes" de Burgos - C/ Serramagna, 10. Burgos. NaN. Burgos