October 17, 2024
To know more

Thursday, October 17, at 6 p.m. with Ana I. Roncero.

Teresa of Jesus, not Saint Teresa.

In the form of an oratorio, Teresa confronts her reflections, doubts, the impositions of the time, the role reserved for women... highlighting the woman within her.

How could a woman prevail in a masculine world that was so suspicious of religious ideas and practices that deviated from the common norm? What was that world like, that 16th century that excluded women from everything that had to do with spiritual matters? What options were there for a woman? And for a nun? How did she manage to emerge unscathed from the accusations and scrutiny to which she was subjected by the Inquisition and by the society of the time?

The aim is to rescue Teresa of Jesus, who has been hidden behind Saint Teresa, an icon of women and nuns who has been exalted by the Catholic Church.

Free admission until full capacity.

Address and map location

  • Postal address Biblioteca Pública de León - C/ Santa Nonia, 5. municipality of León . NaN. León