The adventure of getting excited
- Dates
- March 29, 2025
- When?
- Link
- To know more
Natalia Miguel Ramos, teacher and pedagogue, will come to the Miguel de Cervantes Library to present her first published work, The Adventure of Getting Emotional, in storytelling format.
Have you ever wondered what emotions are, where they come from and what they are for? Do you want to know why joy is contagious and fear so persistent?
In this story published by Apuleyo, you will discover the answers to the questions that children like you ask themselves about the incredible world of emotions. Through a surprising journey, you will discover what they are, what they are called, what their use is and how you can manage them to feel better in difficult situations. Are you ready for the adventure of getting emotional?
The activity is aimed at families with children aged 3 and over. To attend the presentation-storytelling session, it is necessary to have a library card and collect an invitation from Thursday 27 March (half from 9:00 and the other half from 16:00), until the capacity of 80 participants is reached. Maximum 4 invitations per person.
Event website :
Advance registration is required to attend the event.
Address and map location
- Postal address Biblioteca Pública Municipal "Miguel de Cervantes" de Burgos - C/ Serramagna, 10. Burgos. NaN. Burgos