The Brand "Posadas Reales" are tourist establishments that are located in natural spaces or localities of interest, accommodations located in historic buildings whose rooms, rooms and services are distinguished by their quality. For their part, the Wine Routes are also a distinguished and recognized tourist product, and they offer the possibility of discovering an incredible territory, through tourist resources linked to wine: visits to wineries, tastings, visits to museums, cheese factories, workshops, etc.
Castile and León is committed to quality , and both the Wine Routes and the Brand "Posadas Reales" are very committed to this commitment to excellence to continue positioning Castile and León as a leading destination in inland tourism.
With the aim of giving greater national and international promotion to these two quality tourism products, which constitute one of the fundamental pillars of the tourism strategy of this legislature, the promotion of heritage and food and wine , the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Deporte, through the Siglo Foundation, wanted to have the musical group Café Quijano and one of its songs to use as the soundtrack for a promotional video for the quality brands Brand "Posadas Reales" and the Wine Routes of Castile and León.
Café Quijano has composed a song, titled "Allí" , which talks about the search for a place to find peace and silence, a place to disconnect and where it is possible to find dream places. This place could be Castile and León and specifically the tourist products of Brand "Posadas Reales" and Rutas del Vino de Castile and León.
In the promotional video, the three members of the Café Quijano group participate and appear enjoying Brand "Posadas Reales", accommodations located in unique buildings of historical interest, the landscapes and natural spaces in which they are located, as well as visits and activities in vineyards and buildings linked to wine tourism and gastronomy of Castile and León, etc.
This promotional video is a bid to attract an adult-senior audience with high purchasing power , with an interest in enjoying the attractions offered by both the Brand "Posadas Reales" and the Wine Routes in Castile and León.
Café Quijano is a consolidated and recognized musical group on the national and international artistic scene . A group that has a 23-year history crowning hit lists, celebrating awards and achieving international nominations. Its main type of audience is in an adult age group, over 40 years old, a type of audience that is mainly the target to which a good part of the offer of Brand "Posadas Reales" and Rutas del Vino is directed, since It is a high-quality tourist product for a select audience that seeks rest, disconnection and relaxation, in establishments that offer careful services and where excellence stands out.
The use of the image of the musical group Café Quijano can provide great projection and promotion of these quality tourism brands that Castile and León has: Brand "Posadas Reales" and Rutas del Vino, among the public that follows the group.