Rural House
![Four stars](/imagenes/turismocyl/4stars.png)
![Four stars](/imagenes/turismocyl/4stars.png)
Seal of Tourism of Confidence
Rooms and seats
- Total seats
- 12
- Total rooms
- 6
- 6 Double room
- Extra beds
- 4
- Hot water
- Nearby bus or public transport
- Heating
- Individual heating
- Fire extinguishers
- Garage - Parking
- Garden - Terrace
- Emergency lights
- Hair-dryer in rooms
- Quaint spot
- Telephone
Address and map location
- Postal address Camino LA SOLANILLA SN. Torre Val de San Pedro. 40171. Segovia
- Web
- Phones
- 666 925 099
- 921 069 758
- Fax921 506 440