20 March to 29 March 2025
To know more
March 20, International Storytelling Day

To celebrate International Storytelling Day and as part of the 3rd edition of the International Storytelling Festival "Narrar enamora", the Public Library of Zamora is organizing a series of activities such as the 1st Storytelling Marathon, an oral storytelling session with four storytellers from Zamora, two storytelling sessions for babies and another for family audiences.

These activities aim to promote oral storytelling as another part of our intangible heritage, while honouring and giving visibility to the storyteller's profession, creating a meeting space where audiences of all ages can enjoy listening to stories and tales.

March 20th:

  • From 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: "I Storytelling Marathon," with primary school students from schools in the city and Peruvian storyteller Yeniffer Díaz.
    Location: library auditorium
  • 19:00 h.: "Stories to celebrate 20 M", for young and adult audiences, with four storytellers from Zamora: Judynski Cuenta y Crea, Bárbara Végmed, Irene Mesonero and Esmeralda Folgado. Location: library auditorium.
    Free admission until full capacity.

March 29th:

  • 11:30 and 12:15 a.m.: "Bee… Bee… stories". Storytelling sessions for babies with Rodrigo Cuentacuentos

For babies from 6 months to 3 years.
Location: multipurpose room of the library.
Registrations begin on March 13 at the library's children's and youth section counter, in person or by phone.

  • 12:30 p.m.: "In the forest". Storytelling session for family audiences aged 4 and up with María Riera

Location: library auditorium.
Free admission until full capacity.

Address and map location

  • Postal address Biblioteca Pública de Zamora - Plaza Claudio Moyano, s/n. municipality of Zamora . NaN. Zamora