Comic book reading club: "The families of La Olmeda" with Félix Velasco.
- Dates
- February 11, 2025
- When?
- Link
- To know more
On Tuesday 11th February at 7pm , the Palencia Public Library is organising a reading club for the archaeological comic Las familias de la Olmeda: honestiores et humiliores by Félix Velasco, Francisco Javier Gómez and Jaime Gutiérrez. A journey back to the 4th century AD with the possible owners of the great Palencia town, in two different eras, that of Constantine and that of Theodosius, to show the daily life of patricians and plebeians, of honestiores et humiliores.
There are 15 places available. Registration and comics can be borrowed at the Newspaper Library (2nd Floor).
Address and map location
- Postal address Biblioteca Pública de Palencia - C/ Eduardo Dato, 4. municipality of Palencia . NaN. Palencia