In the heart of the Las Merindades region, on the banks of the Nela River, stands the beautiful Burgos town of Villarcayo.

Historical regional capital, its strategic location has helped it become an important hub of communication and trade between the plateau and the Cantabrian Mountains.

Its urban center preserves the flavor of yesteryear and has a good number of beautiful emblazoned houses, arcaded squares, religious temples and an excellent museum of sacred art.

Tasty local meats, as well as typical sausages and cheeses, cannot be missing from the table.

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    Address and map location

    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • Villarcayo de Merindad de Castilla la Vieja town hall

      To know more
    • Villarcayo tourism office

      • Postal address Edificio del Archivo Histórico de Las Merindades. Plaza Mayor, 17. Villarcayo (Villarcayo de Merindad de Castilla la Vieja). NaN. Burgos
      • Email
      • Phones
        947 130 457
      To know more
    • Burgos tourism office

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