The Arranque is celebrated on the Thursday before the first Sunday in September and marks the beginning of the Thanksgiving festivities that last until the following Monday.

The Belorado Dance is integrated at all social levels and is implemented as a form of liturgy, in religious and civil acts loaded with great symbolism. The Belorado Dance makes the Festival great, as a result of the sum of different intrahistories that are already part of the cultural heritage of the province of Burgos. It is made up of a total of nine dances of which only "El Arranque" is processional. These are divided into two groups depending on whether the dancers use "pitos" or "palos".

The first group includes: Los Brincos, El Pelele, Las Callejas, La Cascabelada and La Bailada, as well as "El Arranque"; while the second group includes: Las Ovejitas, La Susana and El Herrador (also called Los Oficios). After the dances are performed, "los Vivas" are added, which the dancers and the cachiburrio dedicate to whomever they deem appropriate, creating great excitement about it.

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    Address and map location

    • Postal address Belorado. Burgos
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    Tourist information

    • Belorado town hall

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    • Belorado tourism office

      • Postal address Pza. Mayor, nº 1. Belorado. NaN. Burgos
      • Email
      • Phones
        947 580 815
      • Fax
        947 581 000
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    • Burgos tourism office

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