  • Compludo
  • Peñalba de Santiago
  • Montes de Valdueza
Type of route
One day

A river of crystalline waters winds its way along a narrow twisting valley flanked by steep slopes that leads into a landscape that is ideal for unhurried travellers seeking to enjoy all the calm peacefulness nature has to offer.

Tebaida Berciana is a land of hermits. Fructuoso and Genadio were the first known settlers and the founders of monasteries in Compludo, San Pedro de Montes or Santiago de Peñalba, which would be home to spiritual communities over the following centuries. The Valley of Silence safeguards the magical atmosphere of the forests, towns and villages and a culture that is still remembered today.

This route includes the following sites of interest: San Genadio Cave, the Monastery of San Pedro de Montes, the Chapel of Santa Cruz, the Monastery and Church of Santiago de Peñalba and Compludo Forge.

What to see?

  • Hermitage of Santa CruzMore information

    18th-century shrine that has kept some remains of the first building, such as visigoth and mozarab reliefs from the 10th century.

  • Herreria de CompludoMore information

    On the occasion of the 13th commemoration of San Fructuoso in 1966, the beginnings of this type of industry are associated with the origins of the monastery of Compludo, founded by the saint in the 7th...

  • Monastery of San Pedro de MontesMore information

    Founded in the 7th century by San Fructuoso, it remained active until the Muslim invasion. It was restored later by San Genadio. The reconstruction dates from the 12th to the 13th centuries. Nowadays it...

  • Monastery Church of SantiagoMore information

    The hermit monk San Genadio, who later became Bishop of Astorga, founded this monastery, built between 909 and 916. The church is of a later date. It was consecrated in 1105.In 1968 the reconstruction...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat