In the festival of Santa Bárbara, in Barruelo de Santullán, Palencia, the originality of the celebration stands out, which lies in its close relationship with mining, an activity that was the driving force of the municipality and the province; Despite its religious character, the festival is linked to an industrial heritage and a mining culture, which is rooted in the feelings of the population of Barruelo de Santullán and the region.

As a differentiating element, the act of the Torchlight Procession stands out, which is held, in the dark, at night, on the eve of the celebration of the patron saint of miners and where the participants carry torches and lamps. It is one of the most endearing acts of the commemorations of Santa Bárbara in the Palentina Mountain that has lasted during all these years in memory of the miners who left their lives in the bowels of the earth.

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    Tourist information

    • Barruelo de Santullán town hall

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    • Barruelo de Santullán tourism office

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    • Palencia tourism office

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