Route of the Cid - Castillejo de Robledo
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- 958 m.
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In Castillejo de Robledo is the legendary oak wood, the robledal de Corpes, where the Condes de Carrión (Counts of Carrión) beat the daughters of el Cid, in revenge for the humiliation that they had endured. The town was named after the castle, which today stands in ruins. Here too is a chapel, the ermita de la Virgen del Monte, which is built into a cave.
In Castillejo de Robledo, tourists can discover the Romanesque church, the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción. Inside the church there are some late Gothic frescos, which depict the Afrenta de Corpes, referred to earlier. A third temple, the Ermita de los Santos Mártires, with its marvellous stone belfry, provides the finishing touch to the attractions of a truly charming town.
What to see?
Church of Nuestra Señora de la AsuncionMore information
A beautiful Romanesque church from the XII century with an apse, narrower than the nave, of meticulous ashlar, at its head, and whose exterior is articulated with two attached columns on prismatic bases,...