15th-century palace now restored inside, housing the Esteban Vicente contemporary art museum.

It was founded in 1455 on the site of the Casa de Ruiz Díaz.The Catholic Kings stayed here on various occasions. When Isabel la Católica died, it was donated to Diego de Barros and Dr Diego de Heredia, his son. In 1588 Juan López de Medina and his wife Catalina de Barros founded the Hospital de Viejos, building the chapel with a wooden coffered ceiling and recumbent statues of the founders in the niches on either side of the chancel.

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    Address and map location

    • Postal address Plazuela de las Bellas Artes, s/n. Segovia. NaN. Segovia
    • Phones
      921 462 277
    • Fax
      921 462 277
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    Tourist information

    • Segovia town hall

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    • Segovia tourism office

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      • Estación de Autobuses. Tlfno: 921 43 65...
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    • Segovia tourism office

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