What to see?

  • Cave paintings in Las BatuecasMore information

    Set of paintings of cave painting of the Post-Palaeolithic of the type ‘schematic painting’, in shelters and stony places, in a small valley of steep slopes and abundant vegetation.The technique used in...

  • Cave shelter in La AlbercaMore information

    They are located in 15 fields around La Alberca called: Canchal de las Cabras Pintás, Canchal del Zarzalón, Canchal de la Umbría del Cristo, Canchal del Águila, Canchales de la Pizarra, Cueva del Cristo,...

  • Monastery carmelite of San Jose de las BatuecasMore information

    The convent of the desert is in the entrance to the valley, built as a place for those looking for the quiet life of a recluse at the end of the 15th century, amongst numerous hermitages located inside...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat
Heritage and Culture
Gastronomy and Wine Tourism