Rectangular in shape. In the centre there is a statue of the count Ansúrez by Aurelio Carretero (1903).

The plaza was rebuilt by Francisco de Salamanca after a fire in 1561 and the reconstruction process finished in the 17th century. It is the first main Castilian plaza to be planned with a proper structure, a structure that would later be repeated with others such as Madrid. It is surrounded by arcades which also extend into adjacent streets. The lofts were added in the 18th century.

The Town Hall building, although not out of tone with the rest of the square, is the most recent construction built by Antonio Iturralde and Enrique Repulles.

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    Address and map location

    • Postal address Plaza Mayor,. Valladolid. NaN. Valladolid
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    Tourist information

    • Valladolid town hall

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    • Valladolid tourism office

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    • Valladolid tourism office

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    • Valladolid tourism office

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