Holy Week in Carrión de los Condes has been recognised in 2025 as a Festival of Tourist Interest in Castilla y León, a declaration that highlights the tradition, devotion and tourist appeal of this religious celebration. With this distinction, the town of Palencia reinforces its position as a prominent destination within the calendar of celebrations. Holy Week in Carrión de los Condes is characterised by its historical roots, the solemnity of its processions and the participation of brotherhoods and residents, who keep alive a tradition passed down from generation to generation. The procession of the Prayer of the Garden is the oldest of Holy Week in Carrión de los Condes. And within the traditions, it stands out when the Brotherhood of the Santa Vera Cruz and the Brotherhood of the Santo Cristo del Amparo, passing by the church of Santa María del Camino, meet in the atrium of the Romanesque church of Santa María between the Virgen Dolorosa and the Santo Cristo del Amparo. At the meeting the song "Save me Virgin Mary" will be sung and the Brotherhood of Cristo del Amparo will make an offering of a bouquet of flowers to the Virgin of Sorrows.

Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address Carrión de los Condes. Palencia
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • Carrión de los Condes town hall

      To know more
    • Carrión de los Condes tourism office

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    • Carrión de los Condes tourism office

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    • Palencia tourism office

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