Province of Burgos
Route Data
Ascent slope
808 m.

At the foot of a hill dominated by an imposing castle and next to the Odra River, is the beautiful Burgos town of Castrojeriz.

A historic Jacobean enclave, the two kilometers that pilgrims cross on their way to Santiago through its main street and axis of the town, has earned it the nickname of the "long city." It has interesting monuments such as the convent of San Antón, the church of San Juan with its magnificent 15th century Gothic cloister or the collegiate church of the Virgen del Manzano.

It also has an outstanding gastronomy in which roast lamb, traditional Burgos blood sausage and fresh cheese should not be missing from the table.

It will surprise you!

What to see?

  • Castle of CastrojerizMore information

    The oldest part preserved is the rectangular tower of the 9th century. Other towers were subsequently added. The first written mention of the castle dates from the 9th century, during the war against the...

  • Church of San Juan BautistaMore information

    Originally romanesque, with three naves of the 16th century and a transept. The apse dates from the 14th century. It has a cloister of the 14th century which preserves three of the original galleries and...

  • Ex-Collegiate of Santa Maria del ManzanoMore information

    This 13th-century church was enlarged in the 17th. It contains a sculpture of the annunciation in the gothic front and the main altarpiece has paintings by Mengs. The church consists of three naves featuring...

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat