Province of Burgos
Route Data
Ascent slope
818 m.

The Duero becomes increasingly swollen as it enters Roa. Here it receives the waters of the Riaza on its left bank. The seat of the Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Ribera del Duero, the town lies in a prominent position over the valley, which allows it to dominate the course of the river and the fertile meadows studded with riverside vineyards.  The remains of the 13th century walls and the ancient ex-Colegiata de Santa María are two artistic examples that one can visit, in addition to the Iglesia de San Esteban and the Ermita de la Virgen de la Vega, the town's patron saint.

What to see?

  • Archeological site of RaudaMore information

    Since the Prehistoric times, Roa became a place frequented by farmers and ranchers communities due to its strategic position. It has been documented as a village from the I Iron Age, formed by people from...

  • Ex-Collegiate of Santa MariaMore information

    This 16th-century church has three naves; the capilla del rosary (chapel of the rosary), with a 14th-century font and a 16th-century grid: the capilla de la Inmaculada, containing an epiphany by Diego...

  • Archaeological Hall of RoaMore information

    It is a recreation of the different aspects of the life of Pre-Roman tribes and the occupation of Roa. It includes a tempo-cultural field which goes from II/III centuries BC to V AC.

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat
Gastronomy and Wine Tourism