North Branch
Route Data
Ascent slope
846 m.

Herrera de Pisuerga is a town with many attractions to offer tourists. However its most attractive feature, declared cultural heritage, is its centre. The arcaded Plaza Mayor draws tourists towards its streets with noble houses decorated with coats-of-arms. The castle ruins and the remains of the walls of the town hark back to the Middle Ages.

Note the illustration on one of the 16th century wall arches which bears the coat-of-arms of the Emperor Carlos I de España y V de Alemania. From there, a visit to the Iglesia Parroquial de Santa Ana, consisting of 3 naves and Gothic entrance is certainly recommended. Inside the church, the superb altarpiece dates from the 16th century. In the lower part of the village, the Ermita de la Piedad, an 18th century construction must not be passed by.

What to see?

Address and map location

Where to sleep
Where to eat