Bridge and roman road of Masegoso
The structure of the bridge is made of ashlar and the rest in masonry. It consists of a barrel vault and sandstone ashlar cutting forming keystones in the arch and making tympanums and supports. The keystones are very simple, wide and deep; the semicircular keystones are built on small piles 75 cm high.
The Roman bridge is situated on road number 257 from Astúrica to Caesaraugusta, and its round vaults well marked on the horizontal panel remind us of its Roman origins. It has undergone various alterations, the most important being in the 18th century.
Historical Data
- Architecture
- Civil engineering
- Construction
- Bridge
- Historical Period
- Roman
Get to know the surroundings
Address and map location
- Postal address Despoblado de Masegoso. Río Rituerto.. Pozalmuro. NaN. Soria
Tourist information
Pozalmuro town hall
To know moreAddress and map location
- Postal address municipality of Pozalmuro . Soria
- Web
- Phones975 385 027
Soria tourism office
Address and map location
- Postal address C/ Medinaceli,2. Soria. NaN. Soria
- Phones975 212 052
- Fax975 221 289
To know more