Presentation of strategic sustainable tourism projects in the mining basins of Leon and Palencia, within the scope of the Territorial Plan for Just Transition of Spain 2021-2027
Beneficiaries of the grants. Only local entities in the provinces of Leon and Palencia may be beneficiaries of the grants co-financed through the Just Transition Fund, which may be awarded.
Submission period. The deadline for submitting projects will remain open for three months from the day following the publication of this Resolution in the Official Gazette of Castile and León. (Until December 18, 2024).
Strategic projects must respond to one or more of the types of tourism described below:
Cultural and heritage tourism: This is a type of tourism activity in which the visitor's essential motivation is to learn, discover, enjoy and consume the tangible and intangible products of a tourist destination. These products are related to a set of distinctive material, intellectual, spiritual and emotional elements of a society, including the arts and architecture, historical and cultural heritage, gastronomic heritage, literature, music, creative industries and living cultures, with their lifestyles, value systems, beliefs and traditions.
Nature tourism: It is a type of tourist activity in which the essential motivation of the visitor is to carry out activities within natural areas in order to know, interpret and contribute to the conservation of the territory, the ethnographic, rural and natural heritage, to environmental education CV: BOCYL-D-18092024-7 Official Gazette of Castile and León No. 182 Wednesday, September 18, 2024 Page 47 and the observation of flora and fauna species, or another activity linked to natural resources that is compatible with the protection of the territory and natural heritage.
Active tourism: This is a type of tourist activity in which the visitor's essential motivation is to carry out recreational, sporting and adventure activities, basically using the resources offered by nature itself in the environment in which they take place, whether air, land, underground or aquatic, and to which a certain degree of skill is inherent for their practice.
Wine and food tourism: A tourist product that aims to attract visitors by using the wine and food resources of a territory, its production techniques and its culture, offering the visitor a complete experience.
Industrial tourism: Industrial tourism offers a different way of approaching history and heritage. It allows visitors to visit old factories, mines, mills and other facilities that have ceased their original activity and have been given a tourist and cultural value. These visits make it possible to learn about the reality of the territory and its economic engine; understand its urban development and interpret the landscape. In short, to learn about the life of the inhabitants of the destination visited.
Any other tourism promotion activity.
Strategic projects will have a budget equal to or greater than 600,000 euros.