Born in Avila in 1515 and always linked to this city deeply impregnated by the figure of , is considered the summit figure of female religious writing in the history of Spain. Not only did she stand out for her mystical literary work, but she was a great reformer of the Carmelite order under the precepts of asceticism such as the obligation of poverty, silence and solitude. She died in Alba de Tormes in 1582 and her tomb is located under the choir of the church of the Convent of the Discalced Carmelites that she herself founded in this Salamanca town, after a life dedicated to monastic foundations throughout Spain and to her exceptional poetry. lyrical-religious. Her beatification came in 1614, in 1622 she was canonized and in 1970 Pope Paul VI proclaimed her the first female doctor of the Catholic Church in history. His literary legacy includes Las Moradas , considered the most perfect work of Spanish mysticism, and The Way of Perfection .