Cohesion policy is the main investment policy of the European Union. It benefits all regions and cities in the Union and promotes economic growth, job creation, business competitiveness, sustainable development and environmental protection.
The European Union supports the achievement of these objectives through the use of the European Structural and Investment Funds (the ESF, the ERDF, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)) and, since 2021, the Just Transition Fund (JTF). These funds are distributed among all the countries of the European Union according to criteria and objectives set out in the different Multiannual Financial Frameworks.
The programming of the European Funds 2014-2020 poses new challenges in line with the European economic situation. The Europe 2020 objectives must be integrated into the different funds and each of them must contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In this new period, the funds must aim to promote competitiveness and convergence, reorienting spending towards research and innovation, support for SMEs, the quality of teaching and training, and the promotion of quality in employment. and social cohesion and the transition towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy. The execution of FEDER financing in Castile and León is carried out through the FEDER Operational Program of Castile and León 2014-2020, and that of the ESF through the ESF Operational Program of Castile and León 2014-2020.
In order to respond to the impact of the crisis resulting from the economic, social and health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and to more quickly channel the additional resources provided as recovery aid for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU), these resources have been included in the existing Operational Programmes in a new priority Axis, 20 REACT-EU, and a single Thematic Objective, defined by the REACT-EU Regulation itself: "Promoting crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences, and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy". The ERDF and ESF aid is 100%.
Along these lines, it is expected that part of the resources of the FEDER DE CASTILE AND LEON OPERATIONAL PROGRAM 2104-2020 , through the REACT-EU axis, will focus on investments that need rapid revitalization, such as tourism.
The actions implemented by the Directorate General of Tourism within the framework of this ERDF Operational Programme are:
- Digitalization of the Administration to strengthen the tourism sector of Castile and León. "Telematic Management for decision making, automation, protection and surveillance of heritage: Digitization of tourist information; Tourist Offices, Museums and Park Houses"
- Digitization of the tourist resources of Castile and León from web accessibility: Implementation of digital public services, solutions and services for tourists
- Subsidies intended to finance the creation and adaptation of safe spaces in tourist establishments in Castile and León , with the purpose of providing liquidity to companies that, due to the health emergency derived from COVID-19, have faced expenses derived from the creation and adaptation of safe spaces in tourist accommodation and restaurant establishments.
Likewise, the ESF OPERATIONAL PROGRAM OF CASTILE AND LEON 2014-2020 , in its REACT-EU axis, supports companies in the tourism sector by contributing to the financing of aid intended to alleviate the situation of economic loss suffered by this sector, regulated by Order CYT/1470/2020 of December 4 that establishes the regulatory bases, and convened by Order of January 19, 2021 of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Grants to alleviate economic losses in the tourism sector resulting from the COVID-19 crisis
REACT-EU Regulation
Regulation (EU) 2020/2221 of the Parliament and of the Council of 23 December 2020 amending Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 as regards additional resources and implementing provisions for providing assistance to support crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its societal consequences and to prepare a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy (REACT EU)
Reglamento REACT-EU (708.1 KB ) (13 páginas)