Chef: Carlos Casillas

Quality brands:

  • 1 Michelin Star

Doubts assail our restless minds. How to talk about what we are without focusing on who we are. How to transmit the legacy of our faceless people. How to say that the emptied bad call is the mixed bag of silenced opportunities.

We live quickly, looking ahead, without paying attention to the margins where things happen. Without our fields, cities would never have existed. Without the tireless work of generations ago, without the possibilities of learning with new perspectives due to the efforts of the parents. Barro is the history of Avila because our days began in its mountains. It is a tribute to the valley, the field, the plain. It is the gastronomy of a Castilian province, although we like to think that it could be the story of other places through the prism of its inhabitants. Cooking made from the purest sincerity that was born in the latent buds of our vines, in the slow fire, in the union on the tablecloth.

Address and map location

How to arrive
Where to sleep
Heritage and Culture
Gastronomy and Wine Tourism