March 27, 2025
To know more
AXIS MUNDI, a show by the magician Paco González
  • March 27, 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
  • Auditorium of the Public Library of Zamora
  • Two sessions for young people over 16 years old and adults.
  • Limited places. Registration at the library reception desk

Dare to transgress the limits of reality

Paco González offers you a stage experience that breaks the conceptual boundaries of magic through an alternative staging focused on the symbolic and ritual potential of his presentations. This personal conception of Ritual Illusionism is born from his research and field work in different parts of the world with the last traditional peoples and societies in which magical thinking enables contact with an unlimited dimension of the imagination where nature and mystery expand the limits of the world that we perceive through our senses.

Paco González is an illusionist, researcher into the origin and development of magical thinking, director of the National Cycle of Close-up Magic of Zamora (13 editions), the Evening of Mental Enigmas (9 editions) and the Prehistoric Days of Zamora (6 editions). During his long career as a professional, the Zamora native has surprised thousands of spectators in more than twenty-five countries with his magic and has given lectures on the most diverse subjects related to anthropology, ethnography or illusionism in all kinds of cultural forums. But his most notable personal and professional facet is that of adventurer and researcher who travels half the world, entering some of the most remote places that exist to delve into the culture, ancestral rites, worldview and magical thinking of the last traditional societies that prevail today. As a result of these trips and experiences, Paco González has assembled an important collection of objects linked to the religion, folklore and beliefs of these communities, creating the first travelling cabinet of curiosities of its kind at a national level.

Address and map location

  • Postal address Biblioteca Pública de Zamora - Plaza Claudio Moyano, s/n. municipality of Zamora . NaN. Zamora