February 1, 2025
To know more

If your partner goes to Australia for a year and their flight is delayed by a day, would you have to repeat the farewell dinner?

David is leaving to work in Australia for a year. Before his departure, Ana and David enjoy a wonderful farewell dinner. However, the flight is cancelled and they have to spend one more day together. But it is not the same anymore. He should not be there. The farewell is over.

How to face the next few hours together?

What they felt during the farewell.

Was it real or just a figment of your imagination?

Genre: Theatre. Style: Tragic-comic. Duration: 65 min.

Show included in the programming of the Scenic Circuits of Castilla y León.

Event website :

Address and map location

  • Postal address Salón de Actos Antiguas Escuelas. - Plaza de las Escuelas, nº 1. San Esteban de Gormaz. NaN. Soria