October 14, 2024
To know more
The periphery of the periphery: women who looked at the rural world

This ninth edition is curated by the writer Ana Iris Simón, who has chosen the theme: The periphery of the periphery: women who looked at the rural world . "The task that Don Oscar Arroyo, director of the National Library, entrusted to me that day would only have been more complicated, if not impossible, if the authors of the texts were non-contemporary women and the theme of the rural world had been supplemented by another requirement: that they did not belong to the well-off classes. That is why on October 14 we will remember wonderful writers, poets and thinkers such as Concha Espina, Santa Teresa, Dolores Medio, Mariluz Escribano, Margarita Nelken, Rosalía de Castro, María Zambrano, Gabriela Mistral or Ernestina de Champourcin. But also those who could not be. Because they, and not others, are the ones who kept and keep alive that rural world and its culture, that countryside, that periphery that, in general, we look at little and badly."

The library will host a series of readings of texts written by women. The aim is to vindicate the work and literary legacy of women, so often relegated to the background throughout history. The first edition took place in 2016, and since then, the date chosen is always the Monday closest to October 15, the anniversary of the death of Teresa de Jesús.

This is an initiative organised by the National Library of Spain, the Spanish Federation of Female Professional Managers and Executives and Businesswomen (FEDEPE) and the association Clásicas y Modernas, Association for the equality of women and men in Culture. It will also have the collaboration of Acción Cultural Española (ACE) and the Spanish Centre for Reprographic Rights (CEDRO).

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  • Postal address Biblioteca Pública de Salamanca - C/ Compañía, 2. municipality of Salamanca . NaN. Salamanca