October 18, 2024
To know more

On October 18th , at 7:00 p.m., in the Auditorium of the Palencia Public Library , the conference The Future is Written by José Ignacio García will be held.

The conference is structured in two sections. The first section briefly covers some thirty names, associated with their place of origin or residence, their work, the awards they have received or the glimpse of true youthful hope they offer to the current literary scene. The different provinces of Castile and Leon will be represented in this express trip which will, however, allow us to refresh our memory in some cases and in others to shed light on names as unknown as they are promising.

The second compartment of this literary train is reserved for eight specific names, four women and four men who, due to their career, the solidity and variety of their work and their literary category, deserve, in the opinion of the speaker, a specific and more detailed section. a walk through their lives, speaker, a specific and more detailed section.

José Ignacio García (San Sebastián, 1965). Writer, editor, literary critic, anthologist, and cultural manager. He is the author of the short story books It's So Hard to Say I Love You, Unsatisfied Lives, Between the Future and Nothingness ( Miguel Delibes Narrative Prize, 2009), The Castaway's Smile , The Secret of His Name (translated into English), The Story I Would Like to Write with You , Some Stories Are Not Good for Writing Love Songs , and The Memory of Chrysanthemums. He is also the author of the novel My Life, in Your Name . His short works have won awards in numerous national and international literary competitions and appear in magazines and collective books. Founder of the cultural project We Count Christmas (cultural recognition award La Acuerdo de las Letras, 2015) , he has coordinated its fourteen editions; as well as several collective anthologies, including Valladolid on Wheels or Cuentos Pendientes, 43 voices of the Castilian-Leonese short story of the 21st century .

Address and map location

  • Postal address Biblioteca Pública de Palencia - C/ Eduardo Dato, 4. municipality of Palencia . NaN. Palencia