November 5, 2024
To know more

On Tuesday, November 5th, at 6:30 p.m. Antonio Hernández Moreno will present his book.

In June 1916, the Russian impresario Sergei Diaghilev, in gratitude for the help he had received from Alfonso XIII in freeing Nijinsky from a concentration camp at the beginning of the World War, agreed in Madrid with the playwright Gregorio Martínez Sierra to adapt Pedro Antonio de Alarcón's novel "El sombrero de tres picos" (The Three-Cornered Hat) to create a ballet with a Spanish character. Manuel de Falla was the composer chosen by Diaghilev.

Diaghilev hires the young and brilliant dancer Félix García in Spain to teach Spanish rhythms to the members of the company and also star in the ballet.

The passage of Diaghilev's Ballets Russes through Spain claimed two victims: Vaslav Nijinsky and Félix García.

After twenty years of research, Hernández Moreno establishes a parallel between the two and reveals surprising data on the sad circumstances surrounding the premiere of the Spanish ballet.

Free admission until full capacity.

Address and map location

  • Postal address Biblioteca Pública de León - C/ Santa Nonia, 5. municipality of León . NaN. León