October 24, 2024
To know more


" Genaro and Jimena can't stop reading . Well, rather, they don't want to stop reading , at all.

Each story immerses them in a different adventure: from the sea to the jungle, from the land to the moon...

Thus, between pages and pages they manage to travel to any place in the world and become endless characters.

But Epilogue, the voice of the books, brings bad news... What would happen if the books were closed forever? If we couldn't dream of new stories?

If our protagonists are going to fight for something, it is because..."dreams...books are"

A theatrical tour of Jules Verne's best-known stories, which includes live songs, interaction with the audience, and one main objective: encouraging reading.

I SANTA ISABEL PRIZE FOR PERFORMING ARTS in the form of children's and family theater, awarded by the Provincial Council of Zaragoza.

Genre: Theater. Style: Multidisciplinary. Duration: 50 min.

Show included in the programming of Scenic Circuits of Castile and León.

Event website :

Address and map location

  • Postal address Auditorio del Centro Cívico - Calle Real 47. Santovenia de Pisuerga. NaN. Valladolid