Juan de Yepes, later known as Saint John of the Cross, was born in this church. The church, turned into a shrine, looks exactly as it did in the 17th century. Juan de Yepes was born in Fontiveros, but the exact date remains unknown because a FIRE destroyed the church register. When his father died, his mother moved to Arévalo and then to Medina del Campo.

He studied rhetoric, art and theology. He joined the Orden de Nuestra Señora del Carmelo (Carmelite Order) under the name of Fray Juan de San Matías. He met Santa Teresa and, together, they started the reform of the Order. By that time he was already known as Fray Juan de la Cruz (Brother John of the Cross).

When to visit it?



Observations: Prearrange the visit. Tel: 920 245035 Worship hours will be respected)

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Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address Del Carmen, s/n. Fontiveros. NaN. Ávila
    • Phones
      920 245 142 (Párroco)
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • Fontiveros town hall

      Address and map location
      To know more
    • Ávila tourism office

      Address and map location
      • Postal address Centro de Recepción de Visitantes - Avda. de Madrid, 39, entrada por la c/ San Vicente. Ávila. NaN. Ávila
      • Email
      • Phones
        920 211 387
      • Fax
        920 253 717
      To know more