Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, popularly known as El Cid Campeador, was a legendary Burgos hero. A man of arms, the legendary knight provided aid for years to the Castilian and Leonese kings at the head of his own feared retinue. In 1081 he entered Toledo to avenge the Muslim attack on Gormaz (Soria) without waiting for orders from King Alfonso de Leon, who banished him as punishment, then putting his sword Tizona at the service of other monarchs of the peninsula, until he was called again. by Alfonso VII to help his army against the Almoravids. They never met and the Cid was declared a traitor, focusing then on the taking of Valencia, after whose victory in 1094. In the Mediterranean city he died in 1099 when, according to the chronicles of the time, he was pierced by an arrow lost on top of the battlements of the city's defense. His life inspired the most important epic poem in Spanish literature, El Cantar de mio Cid .