Church devoted to San Justo and San Pastor, dating from the 16th century. Only one nave, with wooden roofs, an arch of triumph, presbytery and semicircular apse. Three-section tower of the 12th century.

In the 1960's and 1970's they discovered the late-Romanesque mural paintings and the decoration of the pediment above the entrance of the Capilla del Santo Cristo de los Gascones. The paintings represent the passage of time since the Genesis until the apocalyptic arrival of triumphant Christ: figures of Adam and Eve, the Last Supper, the Kiss of Judas, the twenty-four old men of the Apocalypse, the allegories of the evangelists, the Sacrifice and the Glory of Christ, the trip of the Magi ...

When to visit it?

Observations: Visits: half an hour before the service. Consult: During the mass, entry to tourism is prohibited.

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