The convent of San Jose of the Discalced Carmelites is located in Medina de Rioseco, and it is one of its most distinguished buildings. A building founded at the end of the XVI century by order of Maria de la Fuente, wife of Melchor de Monroy, marriage very wealthy. When she was widowed and alone, she left all of her belongings to the convent of the Discalced Carmelites, which should have been founded with the name of San Jose. She joined the Order in Salamanca, asking to be buried in this convent of Rioseco together with her husband and parents in the centre of the main chapel, with her shield on the tombstone.

A Baroque building with the floor of church in Latin cross shape of an only nave, with polychrome carvings in its main Altar’s Retable and the Gospel altarpiece, highlighting especially the figures of Santa Teresa, Santa Victoria, San Francisco..., works by Felipe Gil de Mena, or others like St. Elias or St. Juan, of unknown author and no less beautiful.

Get to know the surroundings

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    Address and map location

    • Postal address Medina de Rioseco. NaN. Valladolid
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat

    Tourist information

    • Medina de Rioseco town hall

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    • Medina de Rioseco tourism office

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    • Valladolid tourism office

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