Route code
  • On foot
10.5 kms.
Ascent slope
250 m.
Difficulty of the route

Located in the Natural Park of Lake Sanabria and Sierras de Segundera and Porto. This path, starting in Porto de Sanabria, heads to the Valdesirgas Reservoir, passing through the Prados de Valdeinfierno and the area of ​​Las Covaceras. Part of the route runs outside the limits of the Natural Park and brings us closer to the mountain ecosystems in its area of ​​influence. At the top, grasslands mix with peat bog areas, which maintain plant species of great interest. Furthermore, the so-called 'casas das vacas', stone constructions to store grass and enclose livestock, show us the livestock importance of these landscapes. In Porto we can find other good examples of traditional architecture such as mills, forges, huts,…

Get to know the surroundings

Within a radius of

    Address and map location

    • Postal address municipality of Porto . Zamora
    How to arrive
    Where to sleep
    Where to eat