Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2010, this is an outstanding example of Palaeolithic cave paintings. A site boasting a magnificent series of cave paintings that have remained intact thanks to their late discovery and remote location.

Today they are perfectly signposted and protected, and have been the object of intense study. Visitors are able to admire them and learn about the way of life of these prehistoric artists who have left us one of the finest examples of outdoor Palaeolithic art in Europe. The paintings also boast a magnificent setting, with 90 panels stretching out for a kilometre along the left bank of the river. A total of 645 drawings can be seen, featuring various figures on the schist rocks, mainly animals, geometric shapes and patterns.

The style of the paintings indicate that they were made between then BCE 22000 and BCE 11000. This is a site not to be missed due to its unequalled prehistoric value.


Historical Data

Archaeology site
Cave painting
Historical Period:

More information

Tourist Office of Salamanca


P/ Mayor, 32. Salamanca. 37002 Salamanca.

Telephone: 902 302 002 / 923 218 342

Fax: 923 263 409



Opening hours

  • From June, 1 to June, 30:
    • Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday: . Guided tours:10:00 y 11:30 h
    • Friday and Saturday: . Guided tours:10:00, 11:30, 17:00 y 18:30 h
    • Closed: monday and tuesday
  • From March, 1 to May, 31:
    • Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday: book visit in advance (Reservation: 653781071 and Guided tours:11:00h, 12:30 h
    • Friday and Saturday: book visit in advance (Reservation: 653781071 and Guided tours:11:00h., 12:30, 16:00 y 17:30h
    • Closed: monday and tuesday


  • General: 7.95 €
  • Reduced: 6.5 €
  • Groups: 6.5 €

Remarks: On Saturday afternoons, after the visit, there will be an educational workshop.

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Archaeological Hall

Archaeological Hall of Siega Verde

The Hall is in a new-floored building excavated from the natural rock. In the central room you can see lit panels giving an explanation of the Palaeolithic world by means of drawings, graphs, texts and[...]

Address: Villar de la Yegua. Salamanca.

Telephone: 923 480 198

Show moreArchaeological Hall of Siega Verde